Frequently Asked Questions About Saint Louis Drum Lessons
Am I too old to enjoy drumming?
You are never too old to learn something new.
Some of my students are retired and finally have time to enjoy something they've always wanted to do: the activity of drumming.
I'm so uncoordinated. I'll never be able to play the drums.
Coordination can be learned. With correct instruction and repetition most will excel. However, correct guidance and repetition are key. No one just sits behind a drum set for the first time and is proficient.
-We all start off sounding NOT so good!
Do I need to own a drum set?
No, it is not necessary to own a drum set to take drum lessons. Drumming is all about motions. These motions can be learned without owning a drum set. Students of mine who don't own drums learn the motions on a pad through the week and come back to lessons to perform on the real drum set.​​

Is it okay if I've never played drums (or other instrument) before?
Yes. Some of my favorite students are absolute beginners who enjoy learning the right way the first time. You won't have to unlearn any bad habits that you may have unintentionally pick up previously.
What if I already play drums and am really good. Will you make me start over from the beginning and learn new ways?
No. I teach these students to work with their strengths to take them to the next level. I may offer a new way of doing things with an explanation as to why the new way is better . . . but I won't make you start all over from the beginning. Adding little tweaks here and there can make a big difference in your drumming.
If I sign up for lessons, will I be your only female / older student?
No. I have several female students. My students also come to me in all ages; the oldest student being 71 years old and the youngest student being 10 years old.
Do I have to buy a bunch of expensive equipment for lessons?
No. The equipment to start drum lessons will cost less than $40 total. This will include sticks & a practice pad. I will direct you to the best place to purchase these items. If you do choose to buy other equipment, such as a drum set with cymbals, we will discuss the best choices for you at that time. Reading the drumming forums and general suggestions on the Internet about drum equipment will prove very confusing for the novice and even the professional.
What is your teaching schedule?
Lessons are given Monday through Friday from 3pm to 8pm.
Saturdays from 11am to 5pm. The studio is closed on Sundays.​

I have studied percussion for 10 years through school programs and into college, but Steve Lord of Saint Louis Drum Lessons has had the most positive impact on my technique and musicality. He has an incredibly supportive demeanor and approaches students individually, always bringing out the best in each musician."
-Liz, Student

Can you teach my 3 year old to play drums? I want to get him started early.
In my opinion, private drum lessons are valuable to drummers ages 10 yrs. and up, although, I believe a younger drummer would benefit from an inexpensive smaller drum set at home to explore with. This will be enjoyable for the child and won't break the bank for the parent who's child's interest in drumming may waver.
Where are your lessons held?
Saint Louis Drum Lessons are given in my private lesson studio located in South Saint Louis County near South County Mall.
How much do lessons cost?
I make it easy and affordable, however, there are other details I'd like to explain (cancellations, rescheduling, vacations) that are better understood over the phone.
Don't hesitate to call my personal cell at: 314-766-6991
I don't have much time to practice. Will this be a problem?
No worries! Some students struggle with finding time to practice and that's okay. These students come to lessons, enjoy the artistic aspect of drumming and return each week excited to be provided with something new. And that's great.
However, it's the drummers who put in weekly practice sessions that get the most enjoyment. (Usually 15 min per day is all it takes to get positive results.)
Is there such a thing as sheet music for drumming? Do I really need to learn how to read drum music?
No, you don't have to learn to read music. Some students have had bad past experiences learning to read music or never learned at all. They want to just play and not be bothered with reading music. Although, learning to read drum set musical notation is not as difficult as it may seem. It is definitely not necessary to learn to read music but it helps tremendously. Most who don't want to read music agree to take a few minutes of each lesson to understand the basics and use the remainder of their lesson time for understanding motions around the drum set. That's a fair agreement to me.
Can you work with me on learning my favorite songs from my playlist?
Yes. We can dive in and begin to learn and understand the drum parts of your favorite songs. However, everyone must learn to walk before they run. You might not be able to play along immediately but you will eventually and it will be an incentive to practice!